Here is some information from the Sirian space people.
These people I think are from Sirius the Dog Star.
I'm serious they are from Sirius.
We are glad to address you at this time and to convey
our joy that your progress toward first contact is
going well. As you read this document, our units assigned
to the joint scientific evaluation team have just given
this council a series of positive reports.
Some general guidelines
Some of our attempts from the earliest periods of human civilization to teach you the way to higher consciousness and a peace oriented tradition have been waylaid by forces unfriendly to star system. The activities of these unfriendly forces have created the disruptive conditions that now run rampant on your planet. It is the sincere belief of the Governing Council that these trends can be corrected by our joint actions.
Our assistance will be given in accordance with those direct interference rules that we are pledged to uphold. The Council has instructed our personnel to institute procedures that will give a complete description of our purposes. The first aspect of this plan is to develop a way to get your attention. We have ordered that units of the Pleiadean Sirian joint science command begin by warning important persons on your planet of the true extent of your environmental crisis.
To highlight these actions, we began to put crop circles world wide and implimented sightings and near landings of our observation vehicles. We also ordered our ships to conduct contacts with preselected persons that convey our messages of peace and assistance in the coming planetary crisis.
The Photon Belt is coming
The arrival of the Pleiadean Photon Belt leads your star system into circumstances that will facilatate first contact. The Photon Belt will alter your civilization's concept of itself and also change the physical and spatial perimenters of you star system.
Part 1.
Source Of Information: Beyond Wizdom (JW not wisdom), Vol. 1, No.2, Oct/ Nov. 1992. P.O. Box 811, Half Moon Bay, Calif. 94019. 415-726-2827.
John Winston.